Source code for clintk.utils.outliers

Scripts to remove the outliers and na values from the different tables

To be used for the values that are mistyped

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]class OutlierRemover(object): """ removes outliers and replaces them by value given in dic_path or by imputing the column mean value Parameters ---------- dic_path: str path to the dictionary containing outliers information inplace: bool, default=True True to perform the transformation inplace False to do it on a copy of the dataframe """ def __init__(self, dic_path, inplace=True): self.path = dic_path self.inplace = inplace # for sklearn pipeline compatibility
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None): return impute_df(X, self.path, self.inplace)
[docs]def impute_col(X, lbound, ubound, impute): """ imputes missing and mistyped values of one col of the dataframe Parameters ---------- X : iterable, array-like column to which we want to impute missing values name of the column lbound : float lower bound for normal values ubound : float upper bound for normal values impute : float or None if float is given, replaces outlier by the given value if None, the mean value is returned Returns ------- df.Series df.col_name except its wrong values are imputed according to strategy """ impute_value = impute or np.mean(X) res = [] for row in X: # check bounds + nan if (row < lbound) | (row > ubound) | (row == np.nan): res.append(impute_value) else: res.append(row) return pd.Series(res)
[docs]def impute_df(df, dic_path, inplace): """ cleans the df from missing/mistyped values Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame dic_path : str path containing name of the columns to clean and the upper/lower limits to consider point as outlier and optionnal third value is the imputing value inplace : bool if True, performs the transformation inline Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ if not inplace: # make a copy of df df = df[::] dic = {} with open(dic_path, 'r') as f: # add encoding? for line in f: print(line, type(line)) key_values = line.split() try: dic[key_values[0]] = (float(key_values[1]), float(key_values[2]), float(key_values[3])) except IndexError: dic[key_values[0]] = (float(key_values[1]), float(key_values[2])) print(dic) for col in dic: if col in list(df.columns): series = df[col] try: series_clean = impute_col(series, dic[col][0], dic[col][1], dic[col][2]) except IndexError: print("Default value not passed - using mean") series_clean = impute_col(series, dic[col][0], dic[col][1], None) df[col] = series_clean else: pass return df