Source code for clintk.utils.connection

connection script for linking to a remote SQL server

The two functions are intended to be used with each other

>>> engine = get_engine('username', '', 'database')
Password for username:
>>> df = sql2df(engine, 'table')

import pandas as pd

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from getpass import getpass

[docs]def sql2df(engine, table): """ Builds a DataFrame using a table from the database to which engine is connected Parameters ---------- engine : sqlalchemy.Engine Engine instance connected to a remote or local sql database table : str name of the table you wish to retrieve Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame dataframe representation of the `table` in database """ return pd.read_sql_table(table, engine)
[docs]def get_engine(user, ip, db, use_password='yes', driver='pymysql'): """ returns engine instance connected to a given database Parameters ---------- user : str username ip : str ip adress of the sql server db : str name of the database use_password : str, {'yes', 'no'}, default='yes 'yes' to use a password to connect, if 'yes', the password will have to be entered in the terminal driver : str, default='pymysql' name of the driver used for MySQL-Python connexion, depends on your installation Check for details Returns ------- sqlalchemy.Engine engine can then be used for SQL related tasks """ if use_password == 'yes': passwd = ':' + getpass('Password for {}: '.format(user)) else: passwd = '' uri = 'mysql+{}://{}{}@{}/{}'.format(driver, user, passwd, ip, db) return create_engine(uri)