Source code for clintk.text_parser.section_manager

Module to manage sections found by parser
import pandas as pd
from .parser_utils import main_parser

[docs]def main_splitter(df, columns): """ splits all the entries of df Using `main_splitter` causes to split texts into several rows, one text is split into the number of sections it contains Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame columns : list of str Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ df_res = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for index, row in df.iterrows(): dic = main_parser(row['report'], str(row['patient_id']) + ' ' + row['original_date']) split = splitter(row['patient_id'], row['original_date'], row['cycle'], dic) new_df = pd.DataFrame(split, columns=columns) df_res = pd.concat([df_res, new_df]) return df_res
[docs]def splitter(patient_id, date, cycle, report_dict): """ splits the report into the number of keys in report_dict Parameters ---------- patient_id date cycle report_dict Returns ------- """ return [{'patient_id': patient_id, 'date': date, 'cycle': cycle, 'section': key, 'text': report_dict[key]} for key in report_dict]
[docs]def reduce_dic(dico, sections): """ merges key, values of a dictionary @TODO find sections names using regex Parameters ---------- dico : dict sections : list of str name of the sections to keep as in `ReportsParser.sections` Returns ------- str concatenated contents of sections """ res = '' # if sections id not None if sections: for key, value in dico.items(): if key in sections: res += ' ' + value #keep all the sections else: for key, value in dico.items(): res += ' ' + value return res