Source code for clintk.text2vec.w2v_clusters

clustering of word embeddings

@TODO documentation of the module
import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from gensim.models import Word2Vec, KeyedVectors
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

[docs]class WordClustering(BaseEstimator): """ theme-affinity vectorization of documents w2v_size : int, default=128 size of the hidden layer in the embedding Word2Vec model n_clusters : int, default=30 number of clusters, to the number of output parameters for the vectorization. It is advised to set `n_clusters` to the approximate number of lexical fields clustering : sklearn.cluster instace, default=KMeans(n_clusters=30) clustering algorithm The number of clusters must be equal to `n_clusters` pretrained : bool, default=False False to train a new w2v model True to use a model already trained model_path : str, default=None path to the trained w2v model Only used when `pretrained` is set to True """ def __init__(self, w2v_size=128, n_clusters=30, clustering=KMeans(n_clusters=30), pretrained=False, model_path=None): self.w2v_size = w2v_size self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.clustering = clustering self.pretrained = pretrained self.model_path = model_path # vocabulary self.vocabulary_ = None # distribued representation of the words self.word_vectors_ = None # cluster id for each word self.cluster_ids_ = None self.clustering.set_params(n_clusters=n_clusters)
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None, **fit_params): """ train w2v and clustering models Parameters ---------- X : iterable of iterable, defaul=None corpus of tokenized documents if `pretrained`=False else, X=None and the pretrained model is used y : None fit_params : additionnal parameters for word2vec algorithm Returns ------- self """ if self.pretrained: w2v = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(self.model_path) else: w2v = Word2Vec(X, size=self.w2v_size) self.vocabulary_ = w2v.wv.vocab self.word_vectors_ = w2v[self.vocabulary_] self.cluster_ids_ = self.clustering.fit_predict(self.word_vectors_) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None): """ transforms each row of `X` into a vector of clusters affinities Parameters ---------- X : iterable of iterable y: None Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, shape=(n, p) transformed docments, where `p=n_cluster` """ vectors = [] for x in X: vector = np.zeros(self.n_clusters) count = 0 for t in x: try: word_id = self.vocabulary_[t].index word_cluster = self.cluster_ids_[word_id] vector[word_cluster] = vector[word_cluster] + 1 count += 1 # except word is not in vocabular except KeyError: pass if count > 0: vectors.append(vector / count) else: vectors.append(vector) return np.array(vectors)
[docs] def get_clusters_words(self): """ return the words in each cluster Returns ------- dict keys are cluster ids, values are lists of words """ words_cluster = {} for cluser_id in np.unique(self.cluster_ids_): words_cluster[str(cluser_id)] = [] for i, word in enumerate(self.vocabulary_): label = str(self.cluster_ids_[i]) words_cluster[label].append(word) return words_cluster
[docs]def embed_corpus(X, n_clusters, clustering, **kwargs): """ transforms X into vector of cluster affinities ..deprecated use `WordClustering` object instead Parameters ---------- X : iterable of iterable, (length=n) corpus of document clustering : sklearn.cluster object instanciated clustering algorithm Returns ------- np.ndarray, shape=(n, n_clusters) """ # fit w2v = Word2Vec(X, size=128) words = w2v.wv.vocab word_vectors = w2v[words] pca_word_vectors = PCA(n_components=0.9).fit_transform(word_vectors) # clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters, affinity='euclidean') cluster_ids = clustering.fit_predict(pca_word_vectors) # transform vectors = [] for x in X: vector = np.zeros(n_clusters) count = 0 for t in x: try: word_id = words[t].index word_cluster = cluster_ids[word_id] vector[word_cluster] = vector[word_cluster] + 1 count += 1 except KeyError: pass vectors.append(vector / count) return np.array(vectors), cluster_ids